How To Install Blogger Templates ?

Before we step a head, it is better that we make the basic step for all of you.

Here is the tutorial on how to install the templates from this site :

1. First, you must download the template, then unzip with winzip or winrar.

2. Then sign in to your Blogger Dashboard and click on the layout link.

3. Please remember, after you uploading any new Blogger template, all your previous widgets like profile, text, polls, and the others, will be lost (including your Google Adsense or your other ads). So, before uploading, make sure you already backup all your widgets data by clicking every edit and copy your widgets data to other application, such as Notepad, Wordpad or Word.

4. After you feel safe with your widgets data, then click on Edit HTML tab.

5. There's an optional to download your current template. For your insurance, do it!

6. Then upload your xml file that you already download (step 1), by clicking Browse button, and direct it to your file. Click Upload.

7. The result will bring you message saying that your widget are about to delete. Click on Confirm and Save (because we already have the backup widgets data from the step 3 above).
8. There you go. Your template is already installed.
9. You can return your widgets by adding your "Add and Arrange Page Elements".

Note : Please remain that the images in your template is came from somewhere. And it will need some bandwith to the hosting. If the bandwith exceeded, don't be shocked that your blog will have no images. To avoid it, make sure you already host your blog images to your own hosting.
And how do we know which file is it? Just click on the "Edit HTML", and go inside the xml code, find the image files (start with http:// and ended with .jpg, .gif or .png).
And don't forget to save the changes!


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